Friday, October 14, 2005

This is at Tacheles, which was a major squat in the past. It's in a bombed out block in East Berlin that was never repaired there was a squatted bar and show spaces, but now it's all legal. All the underground activity has moved further out, but Tacheles is still a center for East Berlin, but now there's a velvet lined "goth bar" on one floor and the street level bar (which has a giant beer tap shaped like a dragon, made out of scrap metal, that spits a ball of fire when the tap is pulled) is frequented by tourists.

These were taken at Randy and Haage's "garden colony"- which is apparantly a common tradition for Berliners to have a plot of garden and small cottage at one of these areas just outside the city. Just dont let your garden get wild and overgrown like Haage's, or the salty German neighbors will give you the screwface.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Big ups to our friends who are doing their own blogger jump-offs about their own respective excellent adventures-
Kate Mullan is writing about the study abroad program she is doing in Tanzania- DalaDala Stops Here
And Erin, Angie and Pete and on about living working and (of course) partying in Buenos Aires and well as snowboarding in Patagonia. It's called (subtle Vermont beer reference) Long Trail to B.A.