These were taken at Randy and Haage's "garden colony"- which is apparantly a common tradition for Berliners to have a plot of garden and small cottage at one of these areas just outside the city. Just dont let your garden get wild and overgrown like Haage's, or the salty German neighbors will give you the screwface.
Don't forget your own Pennsylvania Deutsch roots - Germans exported this garden notion with them and these are not uncommon in Eastern Pa.
PS Free Fact: More Americans have German ancestry than any other ethnic background.
Wait I thought you told me that our "german ancestry" was a sham made up by our (im trying to think of a word that means "german loving" analogous to "anglophile", but i can't. I wonder why that would be such an obscure word?...ahem) grandmother, and that we are 95% shanty Irish? Are you taking that back now?
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